Hell, I would imagine the rule that bans talking about highly controversial topics would also be relaxed in games explicatly about those subjects, such as Democracy 3 (politics). Housewife, New Cocks For My Wife, Porn Wife, Blowjob, Porn, Jousting. So in sub-forums and comment sections related to these Adblock pieces, they declared the rule was suspended so that people didn't get banned for daring to talk about the site's own content (as long as you didn't endorse using it, at least: proudly declaring you Adblocked the site was still a good way to get slapped with a ban). made headlines for his unusually large ball. Here are 5 of the most petrifying execution methods employed by the authorities in the 16th century.

I remember a certain news site that had a strict "no talking about Adblock" rule, but then suddenly Adblock became a hot topic for reporters and other opinion pundits. Life was often nasty, brutish and painful for criminals in Tudor England, with a host of fiendish punishments dished out by the state to wrong-doers, including some new methods of execution dreamt up by King Henry VIII himself. We want to present the phallus as something silly, abject, and non-threatening. But in Genital Jousting, they are often the butt of the joke. They are considered the dominant sexual organ. In a patriarchal society, penises are associated with power. I swear that if you slap a sticker of social justice on something you can get away with anything these days It's not unheard of for places like Steam to suspend certain rules temporarily for the sake of certain events. Genital Jousting is largely about disarming masculinity. A short list of some of nature’s most curious phalluses, from the echidna’s four-headed unit to the dolphin’s prehensile member. Originally posted by decadence:Best part is how steam censors or deletes anything picturing a cartoon vag*na, yet the devs of this game hold a contest where people submit their d*ck art and all of that just flies under the radar. Nine of the Weirdest Penises in the Animal Kingdom.